Hundreds of astonishing lists and oddities fill this unusual register of geographic trivia. From a list of sites for snow skiing in Africa to countries which send the fewest visitors to the U.S., this book of wide-ranging curiosities makes minutia from across the world fascinating. What U.S. towns have the same name as a foreign country? Which large U.S. cities claim the highest percentage of households without telephone service? What state's residents call soft drinks "pop" more than any other? This humorous and revealing book holds these answers and many more.
Reference/Social Science, 360 pages, 6"x9", Paper List Price: $16.95 (Canada $23.95) ISBN 1-89166-147-7 Publisher: Santa Monica Press Released: November 2004 |
1. NAME GEOGRAPHY--Everything you wanted to know about place names, especially the weird ones. 2. ATLAS GEOGRAPHY--For everyone who opens the atlas and looks for mountains, lakes, borders or to find how far away a place really is! 3. TRANSPORTATION GEOGRAPHY--Fun lists about highways, airports and railroads. 4. CITY GEOGRAPHY--Includes big and small, rich and poor, mobile-home-filled and car-sparse. 5. CLIMATE GEOGRAPHY--Covers a gamut of climates, from hot to cold to wet to windy to foggy (and unfoggy) to loud (thunder). 6. DEMOGRAPHIC GEOGRAPHY--This "people chapter" explores the diversity of our inhabitants, both in the U.S. and worldwide. |
7. MONEY GEOGRAPHY--There's diversity in the economies too, worldwide and in the U.S. 8. RECREATION GEOGRAPHY--Which are the chess states? Bowling states? Golf states? Find out here! 9. TRAVEL GEOGRAPHY--Read this on the chapter to learn more about places you visit and plenty of places you likely don't visit. 10. GEOGRAPHY OF POLITICS AND ISSUES--Counties trending "left" or "right" in Presidential elections, countries with slavery (still!) and supermarket-liquor states are just a few of the topics here. 11. MISCELLANEOUS GEOGRAPHY--This chapter might make you hungry, turn on your radio or plan a hike in the mountains. Depends on what part you read! | |
Barnes& | |
Santa Monica Press |