about the author...
A professional meteorologist by day and a free-lance geographer by night (though sometimes day and night are switched since meteorologists often work at night), Brandt is always looking for that nuance in places half-way around the world or just in the suburb off the next freeway exit. A world-traveler who has visited over 100 countries (his "top ten favorites" include South Africa, Nepal, Costa Rica, Spain, Tanzania, among others), as well as all 50 states in the U.S., he enjoys checking out the diversity of climates, vegetation, terrain, people, food and whatever else lies along the way. Then, when he comes home, he peers over maps and statistics of the places that he has seen (plus many that he hasn't, at least so far). Originally from Lawrence, Kansas and an alum of the University of Kansas (B.S. and M.S. in Atmospheric Science), Brandt now lives in San Diego. |